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Puccini – Manon Lescaut

Puccini – Manon Lescaut

Rome, Teatro Vittoria: piano lecture for the cycle on female heroines to explain Puccini's early masterpiece, Manon Lescaut.


Soundtrack for Italian national TV channel Rai 2

Soundtrack for Italian national TV channel Rai 2

July 2014: “Spaghetti western in the Water” (a 90 minutes long lasting action film) is broadcasted on the Italian Television channel Rai 2. The film makes use of a sound track entirely composed by Aurelio Canonici. The music lively blends different styles and...

The Valley of the Temples

The Valley of the Temples

July 2014: in the amazing setting beneath the temple of Juno Aurelio Canonici’s “Empedocle, l’Amore e lo Sfero” (Empedocles, Love and the Sphere) – conceived for chamber orchestra and specially written for the occasion – has been played for the fist time. Virginio...

Vittoria Theatre, Rome

Vittoria Theatre, Rome

April 2014: the cycle of conferences at the Teatro Vittoria in Rome – dedicated to the most popular Puccini Operas – successfully concludes. A large audience followed Aurelio Canonici between December and April in a series of lessons at the piano in which the Maestro...


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